Tuesday, October 20, 2009


hello all!
This week we have surfaced in Veranasi the home of the famous ghats that lead into the holy Ganges river.
The ghats are steps leading into the water where people from all over India come, to do pretty much everything. It is amazing how much is going on at one time in the same river. At one end there is the cremation ceremonies where the ashes are then released into the water. Then down that same river the city's sewage pipes are being dumped as well as many factories depositing toxic and other types of waste. Then further down the river there are people bathing, drinking the water and doing laundry. It is pretty crazy.
Also note to future travelers you should not get your laundry done in Varanasi or open your mouth in the shower.

As amazing as the action on the river is I found the state of the river extremely sad. I think the people have this feeling that because this is their holy river there is no need to protect it. Which is clearly not the case because from what I have read since being here is that most of the animals that live in the river are becoming endangered. So even though seeing the pilgrams pray and do puja in the river is enlightening, you feel saddened by the state that the river and city is in. It is full of pollution and garbage and it is ruining the sacred feel that this place should and once possessed. There is some notion around that people want to clean the river but in such an ancient city with strong tradition, I could see that kind of change would be difficult to encourage.

This thursday we will be trading in our prayer beads for hiking boots and heading to Darjeeling. Darjeeling is a little mountain town with amazing treks and white water rafting. I think it will be a really nice quite break from all the hectic places we have been.

Until then,

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